Damn This country is awesome

The world is cooler than you think


2014-04-06 01.57.02

Damn This Country Is Awesome™ was created in the 2014 Rotary Lead Peace Hackathon.

Our goal is simple – make people understand that the countries they know of are probably a lot more interesting than expected. Every explored place can come out as crazy, awesome, amazing and beautiful. Let’s help people see how cool these countries are.

Project created & lead by Tom Shadmi. Mentored by Omer Zerahia & Ran Segall.

Big round of the applause for the awesome people who helped this: Simona Majernikova, Sofia Sarens, Klaus Eidam, Heleen Vande Capelle, Karen Vanherck and many many more who are now sleeping in the corners of this room covering in other sleeping people. so we can’t read what’s written on their name tags.